Sunday, November 16, 2008

Sunday Soliloquy

Well, I think this is the last week of outside time for MN. I spent the few hours of daylight cutting back the Hydrangeas, mulching the hibiscus and the front prairie, topping the iris and putting the final blanket on the Musa Basjoo (hardy banana). I sure hope it will take another winter, it's been so fun to have that big waxy foliage in the back yard. This year it really went... well... Bananas, and put out about 10 new shoots. Boy, it sure would be great to have a healthy cluster of tropical (looking) plants in my MN garden!

All the chopping wood, winterizing the house and tucking in the plants has me ready to hibernate. But at some point the contractors are supposed to start residing the dormers and putting up an addition. I am SO glad I'm not a contractor, I will sit inside by the wood stove and listen to them hammering in the cold. It's not my fault they have been dragging thier feet. I just want it done, but I will settle for started.

I also have fairly lofty plans for turkey-day: The whole fam is headed over. I've volunteered for Turkey and stuffing, the rest has been outsourced to volunteers. I also have about 5 loaves of sourdough to bake. Sourdough is another ongoing hobby that has earned a blog entry.. just not today. It's still a couple weeks off but I have started planning the logisitics. And if something doesn't work out I plan to have a lot of Three-Buck-Chuck on hand. That usually mellows us all out :)

Since I don't get family over that often I think Thanksgiving is a good time to update them all on the house projects. This year the will see the finished (nearly) dishwasher bay (see former blog for those pics) the wood stove, various paint stripping projects, the dormant remnants of the 3rd year prairie in the front yard and everyone will eat something from the VERY productive herb garden. I'm sure that I will drag them into the back yard and point them to the set of raised veggie gardens in the back. I'm turning hippie without knowing it. Either that or I'm just getting too far into my pioneer research work. Whatever. As long as I get a nice nap at some point.

Happy Sunday everyone!

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