Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cover your SHAME!

Well, it's not quite what it sounds like... or maybe it is. Windows are nothing to be ashamed of... unless they are as leaky as ours. Now I know, these windows are made of the best wood you could get... and we'd never be able to find this quality these days... BUT I live under the flight pattern, on the busiest residential road on the planet and I could use a little peace and quiet some day. That's why I lust after THESE. (on this link they have a new version of my original windows. One day we plan to replace the lot... and find someone with a better situation to reuse the old ones... I couldn't bring myself to toss them.
But until that beautiful far-off day we will be forced to wrap all fenestration in plastic, every November. Actually I will be forced to do it because I'm better at it.
If anyone want's pointers I'm available to teach classes for a billion dollars an hour. only 20 left!

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